Dr. Gabor Mate, the renowned Canadian physician, author, and speaker of Hungarian descent, held a series of lectures and workshops in Belgrade, Sarajevo, Banja Luka, and Ljubljana in October.
Dr. Gabor Mate, a physician, author of best-selling books, and an expert on child development, delivered lectures and workshops to packed audiences in Belgrade, Sarajevo, Banja Luka, and Ljubljana in the first half of October. He came to Serbia and the region at the invitation of the Novak Djokovic Foundation, as part of the “Support, Not Perfection” program. Dr. Mate combines scientific research, case histories, personal insights, and experience to present a broad perspective that enlightens and empowers people to work on healing themselves and their loved ones. During the lectures and educational workshops, he explained insights and results from his personal practice in working with patients and engaged in discussions with Jelena Djokovic, the co-founder and global CEO of the foundation.

Dr. Gabor Mate delivers a fascinating speech in front of 1300 people at mts dvorana, Belgrade.
“I am extremely proud that, after Dr. Shefali last year, the Novak Djokovic Foundation has brought another globally recognized expert to the region for the second year in a row, whose teachings are based on early childhood development. Dr. Gabor Mate is someone from whom we can learn a lot, and we are truly excited to have toured several countries in the region with him and provided an opportunity for all interested people to become familiar with his work. The Novak Djokovic Foundation will continue to be a catalyst for important social issues in the region in the future, and we will do everything to justify the trust of many wonderful people who support our work,” said Jelena Djokovic, co-founder and global CEO of the Novak Djokovic Foundation.

Final Preparations before coming on stage in Sarajevo: Jelena Djokovic and Gabor Mate.
During his lectures, Dr. Gabor Mate discusses various traumas, as well as the relationship between parents and children, how our behavior affects children and their development. He also addresses physical punishment of children, which some people still believe can be a method of upbringing. “There are parents who simply do not know and follow the pattern by which they themselves were raised, but they should be informed that childhood abuse is a trigger for mental illness, addiction, and, in short, an unhappy life. Science has proven that. I can provide you with 25,000 articles on the subject. Parents who believe in this type of upbringing are simply victims of their own childhood and cannot imagine a different childhood for their children,” Dr. Mate emphasized.

Trio fantastico: Jelena, Novak, and Gabor.
One of the important messages Dr. Mate emphasizes is: “The greatest gift a parent can give to their child is to be a happy parent.”
After his activities with the foundation, Dr. Mate continued his journey to Prague, Budapest, and Transylvania before returning to Vancouver, where he lives with his wife. The world needs more Gabor Mates. We wish him the best of luck in his future work and hope that our paths will cross again in the near future.
Novak Djokovic Foundation owes a great deal of gratitude to the project partners: Generali, Volvo, Cineplexx; billboard campaign sponsors — Alma Quattro, DPC, Emedia, Europlakat; as well as all other media outlets who informed the public about the project.

Part of the Novak Djokovic Foundation Team, led by Jelena Djokovic and Maja Kremic, behind the organization of the project.