Ever since the ancient times, the water was considered sacred element with divine characteristics.
The Ancient civilization of the Egyptians has worshiped the Nile, the grand river, as a god because it meant everything to them. Every year the Nile flooded bringing prosperity and life to the land of Egypt surrounded by tons of sand. The annual flood allowed them to farm and live securely. And that’s exactly what Ganges River meant to Indians which they consider the most sacred river.
[tweet_quote]”If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.”[/tweet_quote]“• Loren Eiseley
The average human body is consisted of two-thirds water and, also, about 70% of our planet is covered in water. Water is fundamental human right and primal need of all forms of life. It is all around us, so its availability we take for granted forgetting about its amazing properties. Water is unlike any other substance found in the nature. It exists in three different states of matter: as a solid, liquid or gas at natural earth temperatures. Most other substances are naturally found in only one or two states. Some of its other unique characteristic is that it is most dense at 4 °C (39 °F). This means that water in its liquid form is denser than in its solid form – ice, which allows the ice to float in the water instead of sink in it. That is very important from biological point of view because the animals living on ice would be gone if this was not a case. Also, the life of water habitants would be questioned and vastly affected if the ice sank in the water.
[tweet_quote]Water is essential for the human body to function properly.[/tweet_quote] It is in the all body cells, tissues and organs, helps in regulating body temperature, eliminating the byproducts and toxins from the metabolism, aids in digestion, prevents constipation, transports nutrients and other essential elements to all parts of the body, moisturizes the skin etc. The body loses the water through sweating, breathing and digestion and it’s important to rehydrate by drinking fluids and eating foods that contain water. [tweet_quote]The need for water is different for everyone and largely depends on age, sex, physical activity, health issues and climate[/tweet_quote] but average daily water requirements are six to eight glasses.
The drinking water should be clean, filtered and free of impurities and pollutants. It is recommended to drink water half and hour before meal and two hours after the meal and to avoid drinking water during the meals because it can slow down the process of digestion in the stomach and the intestines.
[tweet_quote]Fresh vegetable and fruit juices, smoothies, soups are great way to rehydrate the body[/tweet_quote], but alcoholic drinks like wine, beer, whiskey, tea, coffee and soft drinks aren’t because some of these are either diuretics that increase the excretion of water from bodies or are loaded with sugar or artificial sweeteners which are, by no means, good for the body. [tweet_quote]Consuming foods that contain water is another effective way to rehydrate the body especially during the hot summer days when the need for water is increased.[/tweet_quote] Try to eat more fruit and vegetable with high water content. On a top of the fruit list with high water content are watermelon and strawberry, followed by grapefruit, cantaloupe, peaches, pineapple, cranberries, orange, raspberries, cherries, grapes etc. Vegetables with high water content are cucumber, lettuce, zucchini, radish, celery, tomatoes, cabbage, eggplant, spinach, peppers etc.
The mystery of water is still uncovered. Even today it amazes the scientists with its unbelievable properties. Now, more than ever before we should appreciate it and save this life-giving substance from polluting and misuse because: [tweet_quote]“Where there is water, there is life.”[/tweet_quote]