Heart-Warming Video

by NDFAuthors

  • мар 21, 2014

Today is the  World Down Syndrome Day, when people across the globe fight to create  a single global voice for advocating for the rights, inclusion and well being of people with Down syndrome.

While researching a bit on significance of WDSD, we came across this beautiful video that we want to share with you.  Coor Down, an italian based Down Syndrom advocacy group, received a letter from a future mom:

I’m expecting a baby. I’ve discovered he has Down syndrome. I’m scared: what kind of life will my child have?

They decided to make a video for her and give her the answers.

This is what they have come up with:


  • People around the world will wear different colored socks or unpaired socks today to show support and give voice to all the people living with the Down Syndrome.
  • This date is not accidental. 21 of March, that is 21.3, is in fact a symbol of 3 copies of chromozome 21,  which is unique to people with DS (Down Syndrome).

How did you like the video? How did it make you feel? How do you fight to give a voice to people with DS? Will you be wearing LOTS OF SOCKS today to show support?

If you are interested to know more about Down Syndrome, read our past blog post.