Compliments Your Kids Need to Hear

by NDFAuthors

  • нов 28, 2014

Children need encouragement to deal with everyday challenges.  

Compliments that you give them can help them gain self-confidence. suggests that these are ten compliments every child should get:

Compliment their character. We live in a world where integrity is neither consistently taught nor widely expected. When your children demonstrate honesty, kindness, politeness and trustworthiness, it’s a great time to give them a sincere praise.


Compliment obedience and respect. It’s too easy to fall into the habit of noticing only the bad behavior. Rather than waiting for next disobedience and berating immediately after, try noticing obedience and respect. Let them hear how wonderful they are and how much you appreciate the way they treat you.


Compliment contributions to the family. Help your child understand that even the smallest things they do make a difference and help the whole family. Tell them you appreciate their contribution when they set the table, collect toys and such. Pitching in is an important part of family life.


Compliment when they achieve something new. „Bravo! You’ve mastered this task!“ or „Well done! That’s a huge leap forward for you.“ A well-placed compliment that emphasizes a job well done can reflect positive mood“.


Compliment their sense of style (even if you don’t exactly share their taste.)We don’t want to force our kids into being clones of us and of course they won’t like everything we do. Compliment your child’s outfit: „You certainly have a gift when it comes to putting together an outfit!“ or „I’ve never seen a table set quite like that before. You have an amazing imagination!“ Don’t limit compliments to the narrow range of your own taste.


Compliment the quality of their work.  Whether you’resaying „Good job!“ for a specific thing your child’s done around the house or for doing their homework, you will show your child how important it is to take every job seriously. So always notice a job well done.


Compliment the effort (even when the result is not the best). By complimenting the effort they make you teach them not to give up.This is an important part of your role as teachers. You send a message that results can be improved by working hard, and that they should be persistent.


Compliment steps toward a long-term goal.Teach your child not to expect perfect results right away by giving them compliments on small steps they make every day. „See how well you’ve learned this lesson. This way you’ll have a good mark at the end of the year. „ For better efficiency, enthusiasm and improvement, a compliment is always welcome.


Compliment their friends. Of course, only do this when you really mean it and when you are sure that your child’s friends are trustworthy. Then you can say something like this: „Marko is such a good kid.“ or „I’m so happy that you’ve chosen such good friends.“

two-brothers-by-the-riverCompliment their existence. Compliment them for simply being a part of the family. A child needs to hear that they’re appreciated, loved and wanted. You can tell them:“Every time I see you, I’m thankful that I’m your Mom.“ Express your love.