How to Develop Good Study Habits from an Early Age?

by NDFAuthors

  • окт 15, 2014

The child who develops good study habits from an early age will have an easier time adjusting to an increasingly difficult academic environment.  

Much is written about the significance of having adequate playtime for a child’s growth and development. Playtime allows a growing child the opportunity to develop social skills and hand-eye coordination, and promotes good mental and physical health. Even though playtime is beneficial for the children, its importance pales when compared to the time for homework and studying. After all, the child who develops good study habits from an early age will find it easier to adjust to an increasingly difficult academic environment, and thus, will find a great number of open doors, as a result of his or her academic prowess.

A major part of supporting children in their struggle to achieve their dreams is helping them develop the skills which will help them achieve them. In many cases, academic excellence serves as a stepping stone for such dreams and performing well in school opens the door to a plethora of future professional opportunities. Thus, the time and energy society places on the mental and physical health of children should be similarly invested in their academic development. Parents should teach their children how to set studying as a priority by necessitating they complete their homework before engaging in leisurely activities. Also, they may take an active interest in their children’s academic lives by asking questions and having discussions about the topics of their studies. Any interest which parents might take in their children’s lives will be greatly appreciated. To take interest in children’s areas of study is to make academics a point of bonding among parents and children, and to make the otherwise impersonal world of academics into something alive and highly personal. In this way, we may help children achieve their dreams.


Furthermore, parents should help their children see learning as an activity of enjoyment, a source of fun, rather than a tedious chore. Insisting that children do their homework as they would clean their room will only reinforce the idea of homework and studying as a chore, instead of an enjoyable process. If a parent speaks about homework and about school as a topic of pleasure instead of tedium, then a child will be self-motivated to complete her or his school work. Even asking small questions, such as „what did you learn in school today?“ and „how were your classes?“ thereby bringing the subject into the home environment, will help a child realise that school and studying are worth speaking about outside the classroom.


However, just as one would not expect an adult to work more than eight hours a day, it is important that the emphasis placed on academic rigor must not be overwhelming. Studying more than a few hours a day, in addition to school, does not promote healthy behaviour. Rather than emphasizing the importance of studying above all else, it is necessary for children to develop a healthy sense of work-life balance: parents should set limits on how long a day their children should spend studying, lest the other factors of children’s lives, such as their social and physical well-being, be neglected. For example, after two hours, parents should interrupt their children’s studying in order to suggest they take a break and spend some time with friends, or engage in some form of physical activity. Learning balance in an early age allows the children the opportunity to sustain such habits in their future lives as advanced students and young professionals.


The task of teaching children good studying habits takes a great deal of effort and time, but it is a time well-spent. There is no greater caveat to success in a child’s life than their education. Through education a child may acquire the skills and knowledge which may one day help them achieve their dreams. Thus, the investment of time and emotional energy is well worth it. With proper instructions and encouragement, education will play a great part in a child’s emotional and intellectual well-being.