5 Dangerous Things You SHOULD Let Your Kids Do

by NDFAuthors

  • јул 12, 2014

TED speaker Gever Tulley believes the most effective way to keep children safe is to give them a little taste of danger.

What if the best way to help kids learn how to be self-confident and control their environment, is to stop trying so hard to keep them safe from normal and mundane things?

This video will sound at first just like it stands in the title – dangerous. But think about how you learned things when you were little and what was considered safe compared to what the safety of children is today. Maybe we’re protecting kids too much and keeping them away from the natural things, normal for humankind.

What if the best way to help kids learn how to be creative, self-confident and how to control their environment, is to stop trying so hard to keep them safe from normal and mundane things?

This is what popular TED speaker Gever Tulley, founder of the tinkeringschool.com, talks about. His educational program promotes the development of children’s skills by letting them play with power tools and providing them with opportunities to explore, think, and create things.

Watch the video and tell us about your experience!


These examples are taken from the book called 50 Dangerous Things (You Should Let Your Children Do)