Today is the first day of school and for many kids this day brings a slew of emotions. Some are positive and some are slightly negative.
On one hand, there is the promise of seeing friends daily and the buying of new school supplies usually means new possibilities encapsulated in tightly-wrapped blank notebooks. But on the other hand, there’s the end of summer and the transition back to structured days, not to mention the challenge of switching the brain from OFF to ON mode. This can take some time. Just remember how you feel when you come back from vacation and need to go back to work again. Hard, isn’t it?
First graders who have never before experienced school and school duties, are that more scared. They are, after all, leaving the comfort zone they enjoyed until this time and are getting ready to march into something completely new.
If you are a parent of a first grader, here is one advice:
- Instead of letting yourself and your child panic that school is starting, try to relax, and show your confidence in your child. Teach them what’s right and wrong, and equip them with the right set of emotions that will help them to adjust to the new environment. School is the start of something beautiful. It is a journey full of adventures that your child will get to enjoy. Remember that!

Copyright: Fh Photo
And what does this day mean to you, as a parent? Does this mean that you will have more free time? Less obligations?
We know that most parents had their hands full with kids during summer, having virtually no free time for themselves. Now that school has started, how do you feel? What does this day mean to you?
We wanted to share a funny video “Baby Got Class — A back to school parody” we thought would put a smile on your face.
Do you like the video? And do you feel the same when the school starts for your child? Please share with us funny stories and experiences from the first week of school.