Deca Vam otkrivaju 5 ključnih stvari za srećan život

by NDFAuthors

  • мар 20, 2019

A child’s soul is pure and honest and it fully grasps the essence of life. Therefore, we’ve asked our little „pros for happiness“ what makes them happy and collected all the answers. Use this text as a little reminder of what truly matters in life.

The story from John Lennon’s childhood is legendary, but nevertheless it still makes us question ourselves whether we are content with our current place in life. When John Lennon was only 5 years old, his mother told him that a key to life is happiness. So when he started going to school a teacher asked him what he wants to be when he grows up. John responded – I want to be happy! The teacher told him that he didn’t understand the question, while John responded that actually the teacher didn’t understand life.

Inspired by this story, we wanted to celebrate this year’s International happiness day with you. We’ve asked you via social media to tell us what is happiness for you child, and received a lot of funny answers from all around the world. It’s very interesting that kids from different countries, cultures and surroundings gave similar answers. It proves us once again that children „observe this world with their hearts and not with their eyes“.  We’ve gathered all answers and prepared for you 5 keys to happiness. Enjoy!

  1. Unanimously – „Love!“

The majority of answers we received was related to love, which is not unusual at all. Children recognize beauty and love in everything they do. While drawing, dancing, playing with their school mates or learning to read, children do not think about whether they will succeed or whether something is in their interest.  They are led only by their desire to learn and love towards everything that surrounds them. Learn from them, and ask yourselves if love guides you through your life as well.

Our friends from the village Medosevac - Djokovic foundation opened a first kinder garden in this village on the south of Serbia

Our friends from the village Medosevac – The Novak Djokovic foundation opened the first preschool in this village in the southern Serbia

  1. „When mom and I play Twister.“

Often small things in life can bring out the biggest smile. You may think that kids do not notice many things due to their age, but actually they are always reaching for your hands. Try to be there for them as much as you can. Cheer for them at their soccer games, take them to playgrounds, help them prepare for school plays. A short game of cards or a bedtime story means a lot to them, and in the end their smile is our biggest achievement.

Family fun during our "Walk a Mile for a Smile" charity event - photo by Jelena Ivanovic

Family fun during our „Walk a Mile For a Smile“ charity event – photo by Jelena Ivanovic


  1. „When we play Tag on the playground.“

Children discover joy and creativity in everyday fun and play. So, awaken the child within you! Take out you old painting equipment, go to an amusement park or through a slumber party. Because when you think about it, life is nothing more than a simple game of hopscotch or marbles, but just with older people.

Opening of a playground in the village Srbobran.

Opening of a playground in the village Srbobran.


  1. „When we all sing the ABC song at school.“

We all remember our first school trips and childhood mischief with our friends. As we get older we have a tendency to think that we don’t have time for friends and new adventures. But try to change that. Let the children guide you buy example. Notice how they give hugs freely, hold hands, share candy and watch each other’s backs while playing hide and seek. Their natural feeling for peace and compassion is truly inspiring.

Our little chefs learning some healthy habits during our "ABC of Better Me" project - photo by GIZ

Our little chefs learning some healthy habits during our „ABC of Better Me“ program – photo by GIZ

  1. „When dad puts my drawing up on the fridge.“

Daydreaming is not a waste of time. Children learn the most and develop their free spirits while making up stories about dragons and trying out home experiments. They believe in their ideas, imagination and creativity. So try it sometimes and let your thoughts flow.

Kite riding during our 6th Friendship Games that gathered more than 100 kids from Serbia

Kite riding during our 6th Friendship Games that gathered more than 100 kids from Serbia


We hope our little reminder made you smile. We wish you a happy International day of happiness!